Financial abuse support

money worries

Financial abuse support

How we can help

If you’ve experienced financial, emotional or domestic abuse, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and that help is always available. We’d urge you to seek help as soon as possible.

You can talk to us for help and support, and we can point you in the direction of specialist organisations who can provide practical support to help you – whatever your circumstances.

If you’re finding it hard to make day-to-day payments, please tell us as soon as you can. We’re here to help and can also guide you to the additional support that’s available.

You can also receive free and independent debt advice from charities including Money Helper, to make it easier for you to find the right help. See our list of charities and organisations who can help.

Visit the help centre:

Get help with car payment questions
Get help with home payment questions

Please note, this page is to support our customers who are worried about their personal finances.

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Talk to us

We understand that life can bring challenges and is different for everyone. If you’re struggling to keep up with payments,or finding things challenging, we’re here to support you as best we can.

If you’d like to speak to us

Our virtual assistant can answer many frequently asked questions, put you in touch with a member of our Live Chat team and tell you how to reach us out of hours.

You can call us on 0345 165 5783. Our Live Chat and Call Centre teams are available Monday to Friday 8.30-6pm and Saturday 8.30-4pm.

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Where else can I get help?

If you need additional support with your health, wellbeing or finances, you don't have to face anything alone. There are numerous charities and organisations you can reach out to.