Transparent at every step
At Ageas, we understand a high level of customer satisfaction is a key to our business success. This means getting the important things right – like our service, the quality of our products and the cover we offer.
Ageas Insurance Limited is a division of Ageas (UK) Limited and provides a wide range of products, including home, motor and travel insurance to over 4.4 million customers*.
We always do our very best to give you a great service. However, there are times when things go wrong and if you’re not happy, neither are we. We believe it’s important to be transparent about our complaints, which is part of our commitment to developing long-term relationships with our customers. Below, you’ll find details about our complaints, which we feel are important to share with you.
Firm name: Ageas Insurance Limited
Group name: Ageas (UK) Limited
Other firms covered in this report: None
Period covered: 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024
Trading names covered: Ageas Insurance Limited, ageas, Optima
Information about our complaints
Product/service grouping | Insurance and pure protection | Credit related |
Number of complaints opened by volume of business: Provision at reporting period end date |
1.14 per 1,000 policies in force | N/A |
Number of complaints opened | 5,058 | N/A |
Number of complaints closed | 5,243 | N/A |
Percentage closed within 3 days | 26.9% | N/A |
Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks | 64.8% | N/A |
Percentage upheld | 46.5% | N/A |
Main cause of complaints opened | Delays/timescales | N/A |
Just so you know, 'percentage upheld' by the firm means complaints found in the customer’s favour.
The information in the above table refers to the total number of complaints received from customers of all our trading entities in Ageas Insurance Limited.
Only a very small percentage of our customers make a complaint. Between 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024, a complaint arose in only 0.11% of over 4.4 million live insurance policies*.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the regulatory body governing the financial services industry, sets the standards for how financial service providers must handle customer complaints. The FCA allows us up to eight weeks to resolve a complaint. We resolved 92% of all insurance based complaints within this period, however, some complaints may take longer to investigate to make sure a fair outcome is achieved.
If you have any questions about the complaints’ information shown, please get in touch. Find out how to contact us.
*Based on a policy count as at 31 December 2024.