Car no claims discount FAQs

Car Insurance - No Claims Discount
What do you accept as proof of a no claims discount?
The documents we accept for proof of no claims are:
- Renewal invitations
- Cancellation letters
- Proof of No Claims documents.
The full document must be in view from top to bottom and include the following:
- Company name/logo
- Your full name
- Expiry date of the policy
- No claims discount years
- Your vehicle registration.
Please be aware that we can only accept proof of no claims from within the last 2 years and you can only use your no claims discount on one vehicle at any time. If your proof is older than this or you are currently using your no claims discount on another vehicle, please click the button below to speak to a member of our Live Chat team and they'll be happy to help you.
How do I upload my proof of no claims discount?
The quickest way to upload your proof is in your online account using the following steps:
- Log in and click ‘My Documents’
- Click ‘Add Document’
- Select the document from your files and click ‘Upload’.
You can log in to your online account here:
My proof of no claims discount doesn't meet the criteria
We cannot accept the following:
- No claims discount from a commercial fleet or motor trade policy
- Any discount built up under an insurance policy for motorcycle, taxi or private hire vehicle
- Any discount built up under a policy held outside of the UK
- No claims discount older than 2 years.
How can I get my proof of no claims discount?
If your policy has ended with us, you can use your Renewal Quote or Lapse Letter from us as proof of no claims for your new insurer. These will both be available in your Online Account or in your emails if you receive your documents that way.
Once you have logged in, click the ‘My Documents’ tab and these documents will be there for you to view. Click ‘View’ to read, print and download the document.
Please be aware that your proof of no claims can only be issued once your policy has ended.
I have more than 9+ years no claims discount
If you have more than 9 years of no claims discount, your proof will still state 9 years as that is the maximum no claims discount we track and provide. This will not affect your cover with other insurers. It is standard practice in the industry to assume that if you reach the maximum number of years with one insurer, you will also have the maximum number with the next insurer (provided there is no evidence to the contrary, such as the date of acquiring your license, claims history, convictions etc). For example, if you were to take our proof of 9 years to an insurer whose maximum was 12, they would assume you had their maximum of 12 years, as well. Equally, if we receive proof from a company whose maximum is 7 years, we assume you have our maximum of 9 years.
How do I add no claims discount protection?
No claims discount protection can’t be added once your policy has started. This can be added at your renewal. You can check if your no claims discount is protected by checking page 3 of your documents.
Can I get a no claims discount on multiple vehicles?
Please be aware you can only use your no claims discount on one vehicle at any time. If you are currently using your no claims discount on another vehicle, you cannot use it on the vehicle you are insuring with us.
We would like to speak to you directly about this. Please click the button below to speak to a member of our Live Chat team and they'll be happy to help you.
What is protected no claims discount?
Protected no claims discount allows up to two fault claims in a three-year period, before your no claims discount is reduced. You need to have a minimum of four years no claims discount before it can be protected. Please be aware you are not able to add no claims discount protection once your policy has already started. This can be added at your renewal.
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