Home insurance cover FAQs

Home Insurance - My Cover
What is legal expenses cover for home insurance?
Legal Expenses is optional cover that you can add at the start or during your policy. This cover can offer you peace of mind knowing you can get legal support to help resolve a wide range of issues, such as:
- Disputes with neighbours regarding boundaries or trespassing on your property
- Personal injury that results from an accident outside the home (slipping on a wet floor at the supermarket, for example)
- Unpaid wages or unfair dismissal from work
- Clinical negligence (wrong medication or treatment given, for example)
- Disputing a motor offence
Other terms and exclusions apply to our cover. For more information, read our policy booklet [link to policy document] to make sure our cover is right for you.
To add this cover to your policy, please follow the steps below on your online account:
- Log in to your online account
- Go to 'My Home Page'
- Under 'Enhance my cover' click 'Find out more'
- Select a start date for this cover and add to your policy.
To log in to your online account, please click the link below https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
What is home emergency cover?
Home emergency is optional cover that you can add at the start or during your policy. Providing you hassle-free protection from those unexpected emergencies that no one wants to deal with, that affect your home and need immediate attention.
With Home Emergency, we'll arrange for a qualified tradesperson to provide emergency help and repairs, day or night. You don't even have to worry about a call out charge. Examples of what’s covered includes:
- Complete failure of a boiler or hot water system
- Bursting or sudden leakage of water pipes
- Complete failure of mains services, which you are legally responsible for
- Damage to, or failure of the only accessible toilet or cistern in your home
- Damaged and broken external locks, doors and windows
- Removal of wasp nests, mice & rats from within the home
- Failure or damage to underground drains and sewers
Other terms and exclusions apply to our home emergency cover. For more information, read our policy booklet to make sure our cover is right for you.
To add this cover to your policy, please follow the steps below on your online account:
- On the ‘My Home’ page you will see your selected optional cover under ‘Enhance my cover’
- To amend this, select ‘Find out more’
- You will then be able to select a start date for your change and amend your cover.
To log in to your online account, please click the link below https://my.ageas.co.uk/login
What is a policy excess?
A policy excess is the amount you have to pay towards the cost of your claim. It is made up of a standard amount which you cannot change and a voluntary amount which you set yourself. Details of your policy excess can be found in your Statement of Fact, or as part of your quote .
Choosing a voluntary amount may reduce the cost of your premium, but you will have a higher excess to pay if you make a claim.
Why won't you cover me anymore?
We use a range of information to see whether we can provide a quote. If we can’t provide one to you today, please try us again in future because we do review this information regularly.
Do you offer temporary cover?
Unfortunately, we don't offer temporary cover on your home insurance. To make permanent policy changes, please click the button below and our Live Chat team will be happy to help or call us.
I am unable to get a quote after inputting my claim details, why is this?
Unfortunately, we will need you to call us in order for us to help you with this.
Can you improve my renewal price?
We want to make renewing easy. We think it is fairer and more convenient for our customers if we provide our final price from the outset based on the information we hold for you. We don't offer discounts.
To renew now or stop your renewal just click the link below: https://my.ageas.co.uk/
What is Personal Belongings cover?
Personal Belongings is an optional cover that protects your personal belongings for theft, loss or damage.
Some personal belongings can be expensive or impossible to replace. With Personal Belongings cover, you can protect your items when you're away from your home.
Personal belongings are items belonging to you or your family, which are normally worn, used or carried outside of your home, such as:
Other terms and exclusions apply to our cover. For more information, read our policy booklet to make sure our cover is right for you.
What is Accidental Damage cover?
Accidental Damage is optional cover that you can choose to add to your Buildings and/or your Contents insurance. It provides extra protection for your possessions inside your home, giving you more peace of mind.
Accidental Damage is a really common reason for claiming, but often customers don’t have the cover. It provides additional cover for damage not otherwise included in your home insurance policy.
Examples of what’s covered for contents insurance includes:
- Knocking over a TV
- Dropping a laptop
- Spilling a drink on a carpet
Examples of what’s covered for buildings insurance includes:
- Damaging a kitchen work surface with a hot pan
- Putting a nail through a pipe
- Cracking a sink
- Putting a foot through the ceiling when in the loft
Other terms and exclusions apply to our cover. For more information, read our policy booklet to make sure our cover is right for you.
What does ‘good state of repair’ mean?
A property in a good state of repair if it is habitable and structurally sound.
Below are examples where a property is not considered to be in a good state of repair:
- There are incomplete structural building works (e.g a loft room or extension)
- There are outstanding or incomplete repairs (e.g. to a roof, wall or chimney).
- It has damp, rot, or infestation.
- There is faulty wiring or plumbing.
What does wear and tear mean?
Wear and tear can be described as damage or deterioration caused by general everyday use. Almost everything in your home will suffer from general wear and tear over time and damage due to this is not covered by your policy.
You can extend the lifetime of your property and your possessions inside it by taking care of them and maintaining them. So, for example, from time to time it would be worth having your roof checked for missing or cracked tiles and making sure any exposed pipework is insulated to protect against freezing.
If your property is regularly maintained, e.g. removing moss from roof to prevent tiles from lifting and sliding off the roof, and something unexpected happens, that’s when your insurance should be there to help. However, if for example, your roof leaks because you haven’t looked after it, that’s when we may not be able to pay a claim.
What is buildings insurance?
Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to the structure of your property. This includes things like the roof, walls and floors as well as permanent fittings and fixtures, such as fitted kitchens and bathrooms. This insurance will usually be a requirement for those who have a mortgage.
What is contents insurance?
Contents insurance covers the cost of replacing or repairing your damaged, destroyed or stolen items. Imagine tipping your house upside down - anything that falls out would be contents, plus carpets. This insurance is suitable for those who own or rent their home.
What is buildings & contents insurance?
You can get both buildings and contents insurance under one policy. This can make it more convenient if you need to make a claim and can often work out cheaper than taking out separate policies. And if you need to claim for buildings and contents for the same event, you only pay one excess (the higher amount).
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