Money worries

money worries

How we can help

With households across the UK facing increasing pressures with day-to-day bills and expenses, we understand that it can become overwhelming. We’re here to help support you and your finances.

With the rising cost of food, energy and living, many of us are feeling the pinch.

From mounting debt and staying on top of repayments to a change in circumstances from a break-up or redundancy, there are many factors that can cause money worries.

Whatever the reason, we’re here to help support you to help you get back on top of things.

Two women chatting with papers at desk
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Talk to us

We understand that life can bring challenges and is different for everyone. If you’re struggling to keep up with payments, or finding things challenging, we’re here to support you as best we can.

If you’d like to speak to us

Our virtual assistant can answer many frequently asked questions, put you in touch with a member of our Live Chat team and tell you how to reach us out of hours.

You can call us on 0345 165 5783. Our Live Chat and Call Centre teams are available Monday to Friday 8.30-6pm and Saturday 8.30-4pm.

Group of women sitting in a circle at yoga class

Health and Wellbeing

We’re mindful that health and finances can have a huge impact on one another, and our specialist team can help you by providing tailored support.

Get support for your wellbeing

Couple  holding hands with wedding ring

Life events

If you’re dealing with redundancy, bereavement or loss of capacity, we’re here to support you through whatever life throws at you.

Get support with life events

Hands typing on laptop


We want to communicate with you in a way that works for you and can adapt our services and documentation to suit your needs. 

Get accessibility support

Where else can I get help?

If you need additional support with your health, wellbeing or finances, you don't have to face anything alone. There are numerous charities and organisations you can reach out to.