Pet insurance lifetime cover

Dalmatian and kitten

Lifetime cover

Long term protection against injury or conditions for your pet


Sorry we’ve had to put a ‘paws’ on new quotes for Ageas pet insurance.

We should be back to business as usual soon, so please check back again.

An existing customer? You can still renew your policy as usual. Your renewal letter will be emailed or posted 21 days before your renewal date. Not received it? Just give us a call.

What is lifetime cover?

Our lifetime cover policies provide cover for all conditions or injuries that occur in the policy year*, up to the limit set by your chosen level of cover.

Your policy limit is refreshed and applied again at renewal, so you know your pet is always covered, so long as you remain insured with us.**

What's included

You can choose from three levels of cover, Classic, Extra or Ultra, to cover your pet's needs.

In the table below, you will find a few of the benefits you can get with our Lifetime cover.

You can also compare all our cover levels and choose the right one for you and your pet.

 Benefit Classic  Extra Ultra
Pet helpline Available 24/7 Available 24/7 Available 24/7
Veterinary fees £2,000
(Max £1,000 per incident per year) 
(Max combined per year)
(Max combined per year)
Death of your pet from illness up to:
(Dogs aged 9 and over & cats 11 and over excluded)
£1,000 £1,250 £1,750
Death of pet from injury up to: £1,000 £1,250 £1,750
Overseas cover 30 days 30 days 90 days
Emergency expenses cover abroad up to: £500 £750 £1,000

View our policy documents

Read our policy wording below for full details of what is and isn’t covered in your insurance policy. You can also to look at the Pet Insurance product informaton documents relating to your policy.

Please check your Statement of Fact along with your policy schedule to review your cover, policy limits and excesses in more detail. You will find this in your policy confirmation email.

*Excluding pre-existing medical conditions.

**Subject to Exclusions. There's no limit to how long you can claim for each illness or injury, provided you keep your policy renewed, the premiums paid up to date and we invite renewal. If your pet’s total veterinary treatment in the policy year exceeds the limit applicable for your level of cover, there will be no further cover until the renewal of the policy when the cover resets.