Do you drive your car to get to work meetings? Or perhaps to visit a different office other than your usual place of work?
If this is the case, then you need to make sure you have the right type of car insurance policy.
Speak to your insurer, and tell them you use your car for work. You may need your policy to include business use cover.
Extra risk
If you drive for business, then it might entail extra risks. For example, you could end up travelling on unfamiliar, busy roads. You may have to park in less secure places. And you’re likely to spend more time on the road if you are travelling for work - the more time you spend behind the wheel, the higher the chances are of an accident.
This all means that insuring your car for business use is likely to be a little more expensive than standard cover.
The right type of business cover
When you speak to your insurer, they’ll want to ask you details about how you use your car for work, including an estimate of your weekly mileage.
That way, they’ll be able to offer you the right business cover. For example, you might business need cover for more than one driver.
For some jobs, standard business use cover won’t be enough. This includes people whose cars are primarily used for business, such as delivery drivers, taxi drivers and driving instructors who give lessons in their own car. They’ll need commercial cover.
What if I commute?
You won’t need this extra business cover if just use your car for a daily commute to a regular place of work, or to the train station to continue your commute. In that case, you’re likely to be covered under your conventional car insurance policy if you identify that your use is for social, domestic, pleasure and commuting purposes. As always though, check with your insurer to ensure you’re covered.
If you work for a larger business, it's worth checking in case your employer has an insurance policy that covers staff if they have an accident while driving their own car for work.
If on the other hand you drive a company car, your employer should insure it.
Remember to tell the truth
Be honest and tell your insurer exactly what you use your car for. If you already have a motor insurance policy and your work circumstances change to involve car trips for business, then that’s the sort of change you need to tell your insurer about immediately.
Though it may result in a slightly more expensive policy, if you don’t say anything then your insurance could be invalidated.